import logging
import typing
import warnings
import geopandas as gpd
import momepy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import shapely
from esda import shape
from libpysal import graph
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from .geometry import (
from .nodes import weld_edges
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FaceArtifacts:
"""Identify face artifacts in street networks.
For a given street network composed of transportation-oriented geometry containing
features representing things like roundabouts, dual carriegaways and complex
intersections, identify areas enclosed by geometry that is considered a `face
artifact` as per :cite:`fleischmann_shape-based_2024`. Face artifacts highlight
areas with a high likelihood of being of non-morphological (e.g. transporation)
origin and may require simplification prior morphological analysis. See
:cite:`fleischmann_shape-based_2024` for more details.
gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
GeoDataFrame containing street network represented as (Multi)LineString geometry
index : str, optional
A type of the shape compacntess index to be used. Available are
['circlular_compactness', 'isoperimetric_quotient', 'diameter_ratio'], by
default "circular_compactness"
height_mins : float, optional
Required depth of valleys, by default -np.inf
height_maxs : float, optional
Required height of peaks, by default 0.008
prominence : float, optional
Required prominence of peaks, by default 0.00075
threshold : float
Identified threshold between face polygons and face artifacts
face_artifacts : GeoDataFrame
A GeoDataFrame of geometries identified as face artifacts
polygons : GeoDataFrame
All polygons resulting from polygonization of the input gdf with the
kde : scipy.stats._kde.gaussian_kde
Representation of a kernel-density estimate using Gaussian kernels.
pdf : numpy.ndarray
Probability density function
peaks : numpy.ndarray
locations of peaks in pdf
valleys : numpy.ndarray
locations of valleys in pdf
>>> fa = neatnet.FaceArtifacts(street_network_prague)
>>> fa.threshold
>>> fa.face_artifacts.head()
geometry face_artifact_index
6 POLYGON ((-744164.625 -1043922.362, -744167.39... 5.112844
9 POLYGON ((-744154.119 -1043804.734, -744152.07... 6.295660
10 POLYGON ((-744101.275 -1043738.053, -744103.80... 2.862871
12 POLYGON ((-744095.511 -1043623.478, -744095.35... 3.712403
17 POLYGON ((-744488.466 -1044533.317, -744489.33... 5.158554
In purely synthetic scenarios where all calculated face artifact index values are
equal (e.g. a regular grid/lattice) a ``LinAlgError`` error will be raised. This
is virtually guaranteed to not happen in practice.
def __init__(
from esda import shape
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError) as err:
raise ImportError(
"The `esda` package is required. You can install it using "
"`pip install esda` or `conda install esda -c conda-forge`."
) from err
# Polygonize street network
polygons = gpd.GeoSeries(
shapely.polygonize( # polygonize
# Store geometries as a GeoDataFrame
self.polygons = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=polygons)
if self.polygons.empty:
"Input roads could not not be polygonized. "
"Identification of face artifacts not possible.",
self.kde = None
self.pdf = None
self.peaks = None
self.d_peaks = None
self.valleys = None
self.d_valleys = None
self.threshold = None
self.face_artifacts = None
if index == "circular_compactness":
self.polygons["face_artifact_index"] = np.log(
shape.minimum_bounding_circle_ratio(polygons) * polygons.area
elif index == "isoperimetric_quotient":
self.polygons["face_artifact_index"] = np.log(
shape.isoperimetric_quotient(polygons) * polygons.area
elif index == "diameter_ratio":
self.polygons["face_artifact_index"] = np.log(
shape.diameter_ratio(polygons) * polygons.area
raise ValueError(
f"'{index}' is not supported. Use one of ['circlular_compactness', "
"'isoperimetric_quotient', 'diameter_ratio']"
# parameters for peak/valley finding
peak_parameters = {
"height_mins": height_mins,
"height_maxs": height_maxs,
"prominence": prominence,
mylinspace = np.linspace(
self.kde = gaussian_kde(
self.polygons["face_artifact_index"], bw_method="silverman"
self.pdf = self.kde.pdf(mylinspace)
# find peaks
self.peaks, self.d_peaks = find_peaks(
# find valleys
self.valleys, self.d_valleys = find_peaks(
x=-self.pdf + 1,
# check if we have at least 2 peaks
condition_2peaks = len(self.peaks) > 1
# check if we have at least 1 valley
condition_1valley = len(self.valleys) > 0
conditions = [condition_2peaks, condition_1valley]
# if both these conditions are true, we find the artifact index
if all(conditions):
# find list order of highest peak
highest_peak_listindex = np.argmax(self.d_peaks["peak_heights"])
# find index (in linspace) of highest peak
highest_peak_index = self.peaks[highest_peak_listindex]
# define all possible peak ranges fitting our definition
peak_bounds = list(zip(self.peaks[:-1], self.peaks[1:], strict=True))
peak_bounds_accepted = [b for b in peak_bounds if highest_peak_index in b]
# find all valleys that lie between two peaks
valleys_accepted = [
for v_index in self.valleys
if any(v_index in range(b[0], b[1]) for b in peak_bounds_accepted)
# the value of the first of those valleys is our artifact index
# get the order of the valley
valley_index = valleys_accepted[0]
# derive threshold value for given option from index/linspace
self.threshold = float(mylinspace[valley_index])
self.face_artifacts = self.polygons[
self.polygons.face_artifact_index < self.threshold
"No threshold found. Either your dataset it too small or the "
"distribution of the face artifact index does not follow the "
"expected shape.",
self.threshold = None
self.face_artifacts = None
def get_artifacts(
roads: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
threshold: None | float | int = None,
threshold_fallback: None | float | int = None,
area_threshold_blocks: float | int = 1e5,
isoareal_threshold_blocks: float | int = 0.5,
area_threshold_circles: float | int = 5e4,
isoareal_threshold_circles_enclosed: float | int = 0.75,
isoperimetric_threshold_circles_touching: float | int = 0.9,
exclusion_mask: None | gpd.GeoSeries = None,
predicate: str = "intersects",
) -> tuple[gpd.GeoDataFrame, float]:
"""Extract face artifacts and return the FAI threshold.
See :cite:`fleischmann_shape-based_2024` for more details.
roads : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
Input roads that have been preprocessed.
threshold : None | float | int = None
First option threshold used to determine face artifacts. See the
``artifact_threshold`` keyword argument in ``simplify.simplify_network()``.
threshold_fallback : None | float | int = None
Second option threshold used to determine face artifacts. See the
``artifact_threshold_fallback`` keyword argument in
area_threshold_blocks : float | int = 1e5
This is the first threshold for detecting block-like artifacts whose
Face Artifact Index (see :cite:`fleischmann_shape-based_2024`) is above
the value passed in ``artifact_threshold``.
If a polygon has an area below ``area_threshold_blocks``, *and*
is of elongated shape (see also ``isoareal_threshold_blocks``),
*and* touches at least one polygon that has already been classified as artifact,
then it will be classified as an artifact.
isoareal_threshold_blocks : float | int = 0.5
This is the second threshold for detecting block-like artifacts whose
Face Artifact Index (see :cite:`fleischmann_shape-based_2024`) is above the
value passed in ``artifact_threshold``. If a polygon has an isoareal quotient
below ``isoareal_threshold_blocks`` (see ``esda.shape.isoareal_quotient``),
i.e., if it has an elongated shape; *and* it has a sufficiently small area
(see also ``area_threshold_blocks``), *and* if it touches at least one
polygon that has already been detected as an artifact,
then it will be classified as an artifact.
area_threshold_circles : float | int = 5e4
This is the first threshold for detecting circle-like artifacts whose
Face Artifact Index (see :cite:`fleischmann_shape-based_2024`) is above the
value passed in ``artifact_threshold``. If a polygon has an area below
``area_threshold_circles``, *and* one of the following 2 cases is given:
(a) the polygon is touched, but not enclosed by polygons already classified
as artifacts, *and* with an isoperimetric quotient
(see ``esda.shape.isoperimetric_quotient``)
above ``isoperimetric_threshold_circles_touching``, i.e., if its shape
is close to circular; or (b) the polygon is fully enclosed by polygons
already classified as artifacts, *and* with an isoareal quotient
``isoareal_threshold_circles_enclosed``, i.e., if its shape is
close to circular; then it will be classified as an artifact.
isoareal_threshold_circles_enclosed : float | int = 0.75
This is the second threshold for detecting circle-like artifacts whose
Face Artifact Index (see :cite:`fleischmann_shape-based_2024`) is above the
value passed in ``artifact_threshold``. If a polygon has a sufficiently small
area (see also ``area_threshold_circles``), *and* the polygon is
fully enclosed by polygons already classified as artifacts,
*and* its isoareal quotient (see ``esda.shape.isoareal_quotient``)
is above the value passed to ``isoareal_threshold_circles_enclosed``,
i.e., if its shape is close to circular;
then it will be classified as an artifact.
isoperimetric_threshold_circles_touching : float | int = 0.9
This is the third threshold for detecting circle-like artifacts whose
Face Artifact Index (see :cite:`fleischmann_shape-based_2024`)
is above the value passed in ``artifact_threshold``.
If a polygon has a sufficiently small area
(see also ``area_threshold_circles``), *and* the polygon is touched
by at least one polygon already classified as artifact,
*and* its isoperimetric quotient (see ``esda.shape.isoperimetric_quotient``)
is above the value passed to ``isoperimetric_threshold_circles_touching``,
i.e., if its shape is close to circular;
then it will be classified as an artifact.
exclusion_mask : None | geopandas.GeoSeries = None
Polygons used to determine face artifacts to exclude from returned output.
predicate : str = 'intersects'
The spatial predicate used to exclude face artifacts from returned output.
artifacts : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
Face artifact polygons.
threshold : float
Resultant artifact detection threshold from ``FaceArtifacts.threshold``.
May also be the returned value of ``threshold`` or ``threshold_fallback``.
def _relate(neighs: tuple, cond: typing.Callable) -> bool:
"""Helper for relating artifacts."""
return len(neighs) > 0 and cond(polys.loc[list(neighs), "is_artifact"])
with warnings.catch_warnings(): # the second loop likey won't find threshold
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="No threshold found")
fas = FaceArtifacts(roads)
polys = fas.polygons.set_crs(
# rook neighbors
rook = graph.Graph.build_contiguity(polys, rook=True)
polys["neighbors"] = rook.neighbors
# polygons are not artifacts...
polys["is_artifact"] = False
# ...unless the fai is below the threshold
if threshold is None:
if not fas.threshold and threshold_fallback:
threshold = threshold_fallback
elif not fas.threshold and not threshold_fallback:
raise ValueError(
"No threshold for artifact detection found. Pass explicit "
"`threshold` or `threshold_fallback` to provide the value directly."
threshold = fas.threshold
polys.loc[polys["face_artifact_index"] < threshold, "is_artifact"] = True
# compute area, isoareal quotient, and isoperimetric quotient
polys["area_sqm"] = polys.area
polys["isoareal_index"] = shape.isoareal_quotient(polys.geometry)
polys["isoperimetric_quotient"] = shape.isoperimetric_quotient(polys.geometry)
is_artifact = polys["is_artifact"]
area = polys["area_sqm"]
isoareal = polys["isoareal_index"]
isoperimetric = polys["isoperimetric_quotient"]
# iterate to account for artifacts that become
# enclosed or touching by new designation
while True:
# count number of artifacts to break while loop
# when no new artifacts are added
artifact_count_before = sum(is_artifact)
# polygons that are enclosed by artifacts (at this moment)
polys["enclosed"] = polys.apply(lambda x: _relate(x["neighbors"], all), axis=1)
# polygons that are touching artifacts (at this moment)
polys["touching"] = polys.apply(lambda x: _relate(x["neighbors"], any), axis=1)
# "block" like artifacts (that are not too big or too rectangular)
# TODO: there are still some dual carriageway - type blocks
# TODO: that slip through this one
cond_geom = polys["enclosed"] | polys["touching"]
cond_area = area < area_threshold_blocks
cond_metric = isoareal < isoareal_threshold_blocks
polys.loc[cond_geom & cond_area & cond_metric, "is_artifact"] = True
# "circle" like artifacts (that are small and quite circular)
# -- circles enclosed
cond_geom = polys["enclosed"]
cond_area = area < area_threshold_circles
cond_metric = isoareal > isoareal_threshold_circles_enclosed
polys.loc[cond_geom & cond_area & cond_metric, "is_artifact"] = True
# -- circles touching
cond_geom = polys["touching"]
cond_area = area < area_threshold_circles
cond_metric = isoperimetric > isoperimetric_threshold_circles_touching
polys.loc[cond_geom & cond_area & cond_metric, "is_artifact"] = True
artifact_count_after = sum(is_artifact)
if artifact_count_after == artifact_count_before:
artifacts = polys[is_artifact][["geometry"]].reset_index(drop=True)
artifacts["id"] = artifacts.index
if exclusion_mask is not None:
_, art_idx = artifacts.sindex.query(exclusion_mask, predicate=predicate)
artifacts = artifacts.drop(np.unique(art_idx)).copy()
return artifacts, threshold
def ccss_special_case(
primes: gpd.GeoSeries,
conts_groups: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
highest_hierarchy: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
relevant_nodes: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
split_points: list,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""If there are primes on both ``C``s, connect them. If there's
prime on one ``C``, connect it to the other ``C``. If there are
no primes, get midpoints on ``C``s and connect those.
primes : geopandas.GeoSeries
Nodes that are external to the artifacts, but need to be kept
conts_groups : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
All ``C`` labeled edges dissolved by connected component label.
highest_hierarchy : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
``edges`` in the ``C`` continuity group – ``edges[~es_mask]``.
relevant_targets : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
The nodes forming the artifact.
split_points : list
Points to be used for topological corrections.
New linestrings for reconnections.
if primes.empty:
# midpoints solution
c0 = conts_groups.geometry.iloc[0]
c1 = conts_groups.geometry.iloc[1]
p0 = shapely.line_interpolate_point(c0, 0.5, normalized=True)
p1 = shapely.line_interpolate_point(c1, 0.5, normalized=True)
new_connections = [shapely.LineString([p0, p1])]
# one prime, get shortest line to the other C
elif primes.shape[0] == 1:
no_prime_c = conts_groups[conts_groups.disjoint(primes.geometry.item())]
sl = shapely.shortest_line(primes.geometry.item(), no_prime_c.geometry.item())
new_connections = [sl]
split_points.append(shapely.get_point(sl, -1))
# multiple primes, connect two nearest on distinct Cs
primes_on_c0 = primes[primes.intersects(conts_groups.geometry.iloc[0])]
primes_on_c1 = primes[primes.intersects(conts_groups.geometry.iloc[1])]
if primes_on_c0.empty:
sl = shapely.shortest_line(
conts_groups.geometry.iloc[0], primes_on_c1.union_all()
new_connections = [sl]
split_points.append(shapely.get_point(sl, 0))
elif primes_on_c1.empty:
sl = shapely.shortest_line(
primes_on_c0.union_all(), conts_groups.geometry.iloc[1]
new_connections = [sl]
split_points.append(shapely.get_point(sl, -1))
new_connections = [
primes_on_c0.union_all(), primes_on_c1.union_all()
# some nodes may have ended unconnected. Find them and reconnect them.
combined_linework = pd.concat(
missing = relevant_nodes[relevant_nodes.disjoint(combined_linework)]
shapely.shortest_line(missing.geometry, combined_linework).tolist()
return np.array(new_connections)
def filter_connections(
primes: gpd.GeoSeries,
relevant_targets: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
conts_groups: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
new_connections: np.ndarray,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""The skeleton returns connections to all the nodes. We need to keep only
some, if there are multiple connections to a single C. We don't touch the other.
primes : geopandas.GeoSeries
Nodes that are external to the artifacts, but need to be kept
relevant_targets : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
The nodes forming the artifact.
conts_groups : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
All ``C`` labeled edges dissolved by connected component label.
new_connections : numpy.ndarray
New linestrings for reconnections.
tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
- Updated ``new_connections``
- Connections intersecting ``C``
- Connections intersecting ``primes``
unwanted = []
keeping = []
conn_c = []
conn_p = []
if not primes.empty and not relevant_targets.empty:
targets = pd.concat([primes.geometry, relevant_targets.geometry])
elif primes.empty:
targets = relevant_targets.geometry
targets = primes.geometry
for c in conts_groups.geometry:
int_mask = shapely.intersects(new_connections, c)
connections_intersecting_c = new_connections[int_mask]
if len(connections_intersecting_c) > 1:
prime_mask = shapely.intersects(
connections_intersecting_c, targets.union_all()
connections_intersecting_primes = connections_intersecting_c[prime_mask]
# if there are multiple connections to a single C, drop them and keep only
# the shortest one leading to prime
if (
len(connections_intersecting_c) > 1
and len(connections_intersecting_primes) > 0
lens = shapely.length(connections_intersecting_primes)
# fork on two nodes on C
elif len(connections_intersecting_c) > 1:
lens = shapely.length(connections_intersecting_c)
if len(unwanted) > 0:
wanted_mask = ~np.isin(new_connections, np.concatenate(unwanted))
if len(keeping) > 0:
new_connections = np.concatenate(
[new_connections[wanted_mask], np.concatenate(keeping)]
new_connections = new_connections[wanted_mask]
return (
np.concatenate(conn_c) if len(conn_c) > 0 else np.array([]),
np.concatenate(conn_p) if len(conn_p) > 0 else np.array([]),
def avoid_forks(
highest_hierarchy: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
new_connections: np.ndarray,
relevant_targets: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
artifact: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
split_points: list,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Multiple ``C``s that are not intersecting. Avoid forks on the ends of a
Voronoi skeleton. If one goes to a relevant node, keep it. If not, remove
both and replace with a new shortest connection.
highest_hierarchy : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
``edges`` in the ``C`` continuity group – ``edges[~es_mask]``.
new_connections : numpy.ndarray
New linestrings for reconnections.
relevant_targets : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
The nodes forming the artifact.
artifact : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
The polygonal representation of the artifact.
split_points : list
Points to be used for topological corrections.
``new_connections`` with either 1 prong of the fork if it connects to
a relevant node or a new short connection if not.
int_mask = shapely.intersects(new_connections, highest_hierarchy.union_all())
targets_mask = shapely.intersects(new_connections, relevant_targets.union_all())
new_connections = new_connections[(int_mask * targets_mask) | np.invert(int_mask)]
cont_diss = highest_hierarchy.dissolve(highest_hierarchy.coins_group).geometry
addition, splitters = snap_to_targets(
new_connections = np.concatenate([new_connections, addition])
return new_connections
def reconnect(
conts_groups: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
new_connections: np.ndarray,
artifact: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
split_points: list,
eps: float,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Check for disconnected Cs and reconnect.
conts_groups : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
All ``C`` labeled edges dissolved by connected component label.
new_connections : numpy.ndarray
New linestrings for reconnections.
artifact : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
The polygonal representation of the artifact.
split_points : list
Points to be used for topological corrections.
eps : float
Small tolerance epsilon.
``new_connections`` with additional edges.
new_connections_comps = graph.Graph.build_contiguity(
gpd.GeoSeries(new_connections), rook=False
new_components = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=new_connections).dissolve(
additions = []
for c in conts_groups.geometry:
mask = new_components.intersects(c.buffer(eps))
if not mask.all():
adds, splitters = snap_to_targets(
new_components[~mask].geometry, artifact.geometry, [c]
if len(additions) > 0:
new_connections = np.concatenate([new_connections, additions])
return new_connections
def remove_dangles(
new_connections: np.ndarray,
artifact: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
eps: float = 1e-4,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Dropping lines can introduce dangling edges. Remove those.
new_connections : np.ndarray
New linestrings for reconnections.
artifact : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
The polygonal representation of the artifact.
eps : float = 1e-4
Small tolerance epsilon.
``new_connections`` without dangling edges.
new_connections = shapely.line_merge(new_connections)
pts0 = shapely.get_point(new_connections, 0)
pts1 = shapely.get_point(new_connections, -1)
pts = shapely.buffer(np.concatenate([pts0, pts1]), eps)
all_idx, pts_idx = shapely.STRtree(pts).query(
np.concatenate([pts, [artifact.geometry.boundary]]),
data = [True] * len(all_idx)
sp = sparse.coo_array((data, (pts_idx, all_idx)), shape=(len(pts), len(pts) + 1))
dangles = pts[sp.sum(axis=1) == 1]
new_connections = new_connections[
shapely.disjoint(new_connections, shapely.union_all(dangles))
return new_connections
def one_remaining(
relevant_targets: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
remaining_nodes: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
artifact: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
edges: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
es_mask: pd.Series,
max_segment_length: float | int,
split_points: list,
clip_limit: float | int,
consolidation_tolerance: float | int,
) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
"""Resolve situations where there is 1 highest hierarchy and 1
remaining node. This function is called within ``artifacts.nx_gx()``:
* first SUBRANCH of BRANCH 2:
* relevant node targets exist
* only one remaining node
relevant_targets : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
The nodes forming the artifact.
remaining_nodes : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
Nodes associated with the artifact that are not in group ``C``.
artifact : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
The polygonal representation of the artifact.
edges : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
Line geometries forming the artifact.
es_mask : pandas.Series
A mask for ``edges`` in the ``E`` and ``S`` continuity groups.
max_segment_length : float | int
Additional vertices will be added so that all line segments
are no longer than this value. Must be greater than 0.
split_points : list
Points to be used for topological corrections.
clip_limit : float | int
Following generation of the Voronoi linework in ``geometry.voronoi_skeleton()``,
we clip to fit inside the polygon. To ensure we get a space to make proper
topological connections from the linework to the actual points on the edge of
the polygon, we clip using a polygon with a negative buffer of ``clip_limit``
or the radius of maximum inscribed circle, whichever is smaller.
consolidation_tolerance : float | int
Tolerance passed to node consolidation within the
Newly resolved edges. The ``split_points`` parameter is also updated inplace.
# find the nearest relevant target
remaining_nearest, target_nearest = relevant_targets.sindex.nearest(
remaining_nodes.geometry, return_all=False
# create a new connection as the shortest straight line
new_connections = shapely.shortest_line(
# check if the new connection is within the artifact
connections_within = _is_within(new_connections, artifact.geometry, 0.1)
# if it is not within, discard it and use the skeleton instead
if not connections_within.all():
logger.debug("CONDITION _is_within False")
new_connections, splitters = voronoi_skeleton(
edges[es_mask].geometry, # use edges that are being dropped
snap_to=relevant_targets.geometry.iloc[target_nearest], # snap to nearest
buffer=clip_limit, # TODO: figure out if we need this
return remove_dangles(new_connections, artifact)
def multiple_remaining(
edges: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
es_mask: pd.Series,
artifact: pd.DataFrame,
max_segment_length: float | int,
highest_hierarchy: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
split_points: list,
snap_to: gpd.GeoSeries,
clip_limit: float | int,
consolidation_tolerance: float | int,
) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
"""Resolve situations where there is 1 highest hierarchy and multiple
remaining nodes. This function is called within ``artifacts.nx_gx()``:
* second SUBRANCH of BRANCH 2:
* relevant node targets exist
* more than one remaining node
* second SUBRANCH of BRANCH 3:
* no target nodes - snapping to C
* more than one remaining node
edges : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
Line geometries forming the artifact.
es_mask : pandas.Series
A mask for ``edges`` in the ``E`` and ``S`` continuity groups.
artifact : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
The polygonal representation of the artifact.
max_segment_length : float | int
Additional vertices will be added so that all line segments
are no longer than this value. Must be greater than 0.
highest_hierarchy : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
``edges`` in the ``C`` continuity group – ``edges[~es_mask]``.
split_points : list
Points to be used for topological corrections.
snap_to : geopandas.GeoSeries
Snap to these relevant node targets.
clip_limit : float | int
Following generation of the Voronoi linework in ``geometry.voronoi_skeleton()``,
we clip to fit inside the polygon. To ensure we get a space to make proper
topological connections from the linework to the actual points on the edge of
the polygon, we clip using a polygon with a negative buffer of ``clip_limit``
or the radius of maximum inscribed circle, whichever is smaller.
consolidation_tolerance : float | int
Tolerance passed to node consolidation within the
Newly resolved edges. The ``split_points`` parameter is also updated inplace.
# use skeleton to ensure all nodes are naturally connected
new_connections, splitters = voronoi_skeleton(
edges[es_mask].geometry, # use edges that are being dropped
snap_to=snap_to, # snap to relevant node targets
return remove_dangles(new_connections, artifact)
def one_remaining_c(
remaining_nodes: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
highest_hierarchy: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
artifact: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
edges: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
es_mask: pd.Series,
max_segment_length: float | int,
split_points: list,
clip_limit: float | int,
consolidation_tolerance: float | int = 10,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Resolve situations where there is 1 highest hierarchy and 1 remaining node.
This function is called within ``artifacts.nx_gx()``:
* first SUBRANCH of BRANCH 3:
* no target nodes - snapping to C
* only one remaining node
remaining_nodes : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
Nodes associated with the artifact that are not in group ``C``.
highest_hierarchy : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
``edges`` in the ``C`` continuity group – ``edges[~es_mask]``.
artifact : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
The polygonal representation of the artifact.
edges : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
Line geometries forming the artifact.
es_mask : pandas.Series
A mask for ``edges`` in the ``E`` and ``S`` continuity groups.
max_segment_length : float | int = 1
Additional vertices will be added so that all line segments
are no longer than this value. Must be greater than 0.
split_points : list
Points to be used for topological corrections.
clip_limit : float | int
Following generation of the Voronoi linework in ``geometry.voronoi_skeleton()``,
we clip to fit inside the polygon. To ensure we get a space to make proper
topological connections from the linework to the actual points on the edge of
the polygon, we clip using a polygon with a negative buffer of ``clip_limit``
or the radius of maximum inscribed circle, whichever is smaller.
consolidation_tolerance : float | int = 10
Tolerance passed to node consolidation within the
Newly resolved edges. The ``split_points`` parameter is also updated inplace.
# create a new connection as the shortest straight line to any C
new_connections = shapely.shortest_line(
splitters = shapely.get_point(new_connections, -1)
# check if the new connection is within the artifact
connections_within = _is_within(new_connections, artifact.geometry, 0.1)
# if it is not within, discard it and use the skeleton instead
if not connections_within.all():
logger.debug("CONDITION _is_within False")
new_connections, splitters = voronoi_skeleton(
edges[es_mask].geometry, # use edges that are being dropped
snap_to=highest_hierarchy.dissolve("coins_group").geometry, # snap to Cs
return new_connections
def loop(
edges: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
es_mask: pd.Series,
highest_hierarchy: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
artifact: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
max_segment_length: float | int,
clip_limit: float | int,
split_points: list,
min_dangle_length: float | int,
eps: float = 1e-4,
) -> list:
"""Replace an artifact formed by a loop with a single line formed
by a subset of the Voronoi skeleton.
edges : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
Line geometries forming the artifact.
es_mask : pandas.Series
A mask for ``edges`` in the ``E`` and ``S`` continuity groups.
highest_hierarchy : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
``edges`` in the ``C`` continuity group – ``edges[~es_mask]``.
artifact : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
The polygonal representation of the artifact.
max_segment_length : float | int = 1
Additional vertices will be added so that all line segments
are no longer than this value. Must be greater than 0.
clip_limit : float | int
Following generation of the Voronoi linework in ``geometry.voronoi_skeleton()``,
we clip to fit inside the polygon. To ensure we get a space to make proper
topological connections from the linework to the actual points on the edge of
the polygon, we clip using a polygon with a negative buffer of ``clip_limit``
or the radius of maximum inscribed circle, whichever is smaller.
split_points : list
Points to be used for topological corrections.
min_dangle_length : float | int
The threshold for determining if linestrings are dangling slivers to be
removed or not.
eps : float = 1e-4
Small tolerance epsilon.
to_add : list
Linestring geometries to be added.
# check if we need to add a deadend to represent the space
to_add = []
dropped = edges[es_mask].geometry.item()
segments = line_segments(dropped)
# figure out if there's a snapping node
# Get nodes on Cs
bd_points = highest_hierarchy.boundary.explode()
# Identify nodes on primes
primes = bd_points[bd_points.duplicated()]
if primes.empty:
logger.debug("SNAP TO highest_hierarchy")
snap_to = highest_hierarchy.dissolve("coins_group").geometry
logger.debug("SNAP TO primes")
snap_to = primes
_possible_dangle, splitters = voronoi_skeleton(
segments, # use edges that are being dropped
possible_dangle = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
geometry=_possible_dangle[shapely.disjoint(_possible_dangle, dropped)]
if not possible_dangle.empty:
comps = graph.Graph.build_contiguity(
possible_dangle.difference(snap_to.union_all().buffer(eps)), rook=False
if comps.n_components > 1:
# NOTE: it is unclear to me what exactly should happen here. I believe that
# there will be cases when we may want to keep multiple dangles. Now keeping
# only one.
logger.debug("LOOP components many")
comp_labels = comps.component_labels.values
longest_component = possible_dangle.dissolve(
possible_dangle = possible_dangle[comp_labels == longest_component]
dangle_coins = momepy.COINS(
candidate = dangle_coins.loc[dangle_coins.length.idxmax()].geometry
if candidate.intersects(snap_to.union_all().buffer(eps)) and (
candidate.length > min_dangle_length
logger.debug("LOOP intersects and length > min_dangle_length")
if not primes.empty:
points = [
shapely.get_point(candidate, 0),
shapely.get_point(candidate, -1),
distances = shapely.distance(points, highest_hierarchy.union_all())
if distances.max() > min_dangle_length:
logger.debug("LOOP prime check passed")
return to_add
def n1_g1_identical(
edges: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
to_drop: list,
to_add: list,
geom: shapely.Polygon,
max_segment_length: float | int = 1,
min_dangle_length: float | int = 10,
clip_limit: float | int = 2,
) -> None:
"""Determine lines within artifacts to drop & add when dealing with typologies
of 1 node and 1 continuity group – ``{C, E, S}``.
edges : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
Line geometries forming the artifact.
to_drop : list
List collecting geometries to be dropped.
to_add : list
List collecting geometries to be added.
geom : shapely.Polygon
The polygonal representation of the artifact.
max_segment_length : float | int = 1
Additional vertices will be added so that all line segments
are no longer than this value. Must be greater than 0.
min_dangle_length : float | int = 10
The threshold for determining if linestrings are dangling slivers to be
removed or not.
clip_limit : None | float | int = 2
Following generation of the Voronoi linework in ``geometry.voronoi_skeleton()``,
we clip to fit inside the polygon. To ensure we get a space to make proper
topological connections from the linework to the actual points on the edge of
the polygon, we clip using a polygon with a negative buffer of ``clip_limit``
or the radius of maximum inscribed circle, whichever is smaller.
``to_drop`` and ``to_add`` are updated inplace.
dropped = edges.geometry.item()
segments = line_segments(dropped)
snap_to = shapely.get_point(dropped, 0)
possible_dangle, _ = voronoi_skeleton(
segments, # use edges that are being dropped
disjoint = shapely.disjoint(possible_dangle, dropped)
connecting = shapely.intersects(possible_dangle, snap_to)
dangle = possible_dangle[disjoint | connecting]
dangle_geoms = gpd.GeoSeries(shapely.line_merge(dangle)).explode()
dangle_coins = momepy.COINS(
dangle_geoms, flow_mode=True, angle_threshold=120
strokes = gpd.GeoDataFrame({"coin": dangle_coins}, geometry=dangle_geoms).dissolve(
entry = strokes.geometry[strokes.intersects(snap_to)].item()
if entry.length > min_dangle_length:
def nx_gx_identical(
edges: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
geom: shapely.Polygon,
to_drop: list,
to_add: list,
nodes: gpd.GeoSeries,
angle: float | int,
max_segment_length: float | int = 1,
clip_limit: float | int = 2,
consolidation_tolerance: float | int = 10,
eps: float = 1e-4,
) -> None:
"""Determine lines within artifacts to drop & add when dealing with typologies of
more than 1 node and 1 or more identical continuity groups – ``{C, E, S}``.
It is used when there are at least two nodes, one or more continuity groups but all
edges have the same position in their respective continuity groups. For example,
they all are ``E`` (ending), or ``S`` (single). It does not mean that all edges
belong to a single continuity group. Here the "identical" refers to identical
continuity groups – e.g. ``4CCC, ``5EE``, or ``3SSS``.
Drop all of them and link the entry points to a centroid.
edges : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
Line geometries forming the artifact.
geom : shapely.Polygon
The polygonal representation of the artifact.
to_drop : list
List collecting geometries to be dropped.
to_add : list
List collecting geometries to be added.
nodes : geopandas.GeoSeries
Node geometries forming the artifact.
angle : float | int
Threshold for determination of line intersection angle acuteness.
If the angle between two lines is too sharp, replace with a
direct connection between the nodes.
max_segment_length : float | int = 1
Additional vertices will be added so that all line segments
are no longer than this value. Must be greater than 0.
clip_limit : float | int = 2
Following generation of the Voronoi linework in ``geometry.voronoi_skeleton()``,
we clip to fit inside the polygon. To ensure we get a space to make proper
topological connections from the linework to the actual points on the edge of
the polygon, we clip using a polygon with a negative buffer of ``clip_limit``
or the radius of maximum inscribed circle, whichever is smaller.
consolidation_tolerance : float | int = 10
Tolerance passed to node consolidation within the
eps : float = 1e-4
Small tolerance epsilon.
``to_drop`` and ``to_add`` are updated inplace.
centroid = geom.centroid
relevant_nodes = nodes.geometry.iloc[
nodes.sindex.query(geom, predicate="dwithin", distance=eps)
lines = shapely.shortest_line(relevant_nodes, centroid)
if not _is_within(lines, geom).all():
logger.debug("NOT WITHIN replacing with skeleton")
lines, _ = voronoi_skeleton(
edges.geometry, # use edges that are being dropped
to_add.extend(weld_edges(lines, ignore=relevant_nodes.geometry))
# if the angle between two lines is too sharp,
# replace with a direct connection between the nodes
elif len(lines) == 2:
if angle_between_two_lines(lines.iloc[0], lines.iloc[1]) < angle:
"TWO LINES WITH SHARP ANGLE replacing with straight connection"
shapely.LineString([relevant_nodes.iloc[0], relevant_nodes.iloc[1]])
def nx_gx(
edges: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
artifact: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
to_drop: list,
to_add: list,
split_points: list,
nodes: gpd.GeoSeries,
max_segment_length: float | int = 1,
clip_limit: float | int = 2,
min_dangle_length: float | int = 10,
consolidation_tolerance: float | int = 10,
eps: float = 1e-4,
) -> None:
"""Determine lines within artifacts to drop & add when dealing with typologies of
2 or more nodes and 2 or more continuity groups – ``{C, E, S}``.
Drop all but highest hierarchy. If there are unconnected nodes after drop, connect
to nearest remaining edge or nearest intersection if there are more remaining edges.
If there are three or more of the highest hierarchy, use the roundabout solution.
If, after dropping, we end up with more than one connected component based on
remaining edges, create a connection either as a shortest line between the two or
using a skeleton if that is not inside or there are 3 or more components.
The connection point should ideally be an existing
nearest node with degree 4 or above.
edges : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
Line geometries forming the artifact.
artifact : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
The polygonal representation of the artifact.
to_drop : list
List collecting geometries to be dropped.
to_add : list
List collecting geometries to be added.
split_points : list
Points to be used for topological corrections.
nodes : geopandas.GeoSeries
Node geometries forming the artifact.
clip_limit : float | int = 2
Following generation of the Voronoi linework in ``geometry.voronoi_skeleton()``,
we clip to fit inside the polygon. To ensure we get a space to make proper
topological connections from the linework to the actual points on the edge of
the polygon, we clip using a polygon with a negative buffer of ``clip_limit``
or the radius of maximum inscribed circle, whichever is smaller.
min_dangle_length : float | int = 10
The threshold for determining if linestrings are dangling slivers to be
removed or not.
consolidation_tolerance : float | int = 10
Tolerance passed to node consolidation within the
eps : float = 1e-4
Small tolerance epsilon.
``to_drop`` and ``to_add`` are updated inplace.
# filter ends
all_ends = edges[edges.coins_end]
# determine if we have C present or not. Based on that, ensure that we
# correctly pick-up the highest hierarchy and drop all lower
if artifact.C > 0:
logger.debug("HIGHEST C")
logger.debug("HIGHEST E")
singles = set()
visited = []
for coins_count, group in zip(
all_ends.coins_count, all_ends.coins_group, strict=True
if (group not in visited) and (
coins_count == (edges.coins_group == group).sum()
# re-filter ends
all_ends = edges[edges.coins_group.isin(singles)]
# define mask for E and S strokes
es_mask = edges.coins_group.isin(all_ends.coins_group)
# filter Cs
highest_hierarchy = edges[~es_mask]
# get nodes forming the artifact
relevant_nodes = nodes.iloc[
nodes.sindex.query(artifact.geometry, predicate="dwithin", distance=eps)
# filter nodes that lie on Cs (possibly primes)
nodes_on_cont = relevant_nodes.index[
highest_hierarchy.geometry.union_all(), predicate="dwithin", distance=eps
# get nodes that are not on Cs
remaining_nodes = relevant_nodes.drop(nodes_on_cont)
# get all remaining geometries and determine if they are all
# connected or new connections need to happen
remaining_geoms = pd.concat([remaining_nodes.geometry, highest_hierarchy.geometry])
heads_ix, tails_ix = remaining_geoms.sindex.query(
remaining_geoms, predicate="intersects"
n_comps = graph.Graph.from_arrays(heads_ix, tails_ix, 1).n_components
# add list of existing edges to be removed from the network
# more than one component in the remaining geometries
# (either highest_hierarchy or remaining nodes)
if n_comps > 1:
logger.debug("CONDITION n_comps > 1 True")
# get nodes that are relevant snapping targets (degree 4+)
relevant_targets = relevant_nodes.loc[nodes_on_cont].query("degree > 3")
cont_comp_labels = graph.Graph.build_contiguity(
highest_hierarchy, rook=False
conts_groups = highest_hierarchy.dissolve(cont_comp_labels)
# BRANCH 1 - multiple Cs
if len(highest_hierarchy) > 1:
logger.debug("CONDITION len(highest_hierarchy) > 1 True")
# Get nodes on Cs
bd_points = highest_hierarchy.boundary.explode()
# Identify nodes on primes
primes = bd_points[bd_points.duplicated()]
# For CCSS we need a special case solution if the length of S is
# significantly shorter than the length of C. In that case, Voronoi does not
# create shortest connections but a line that is parallel to Cs.
if (
highest_hierarchy.coins_group.nunique() == 2
and artifact.S == 2
and artifact.E == 0
and (highest_hierarchy.length.sum() > all_ends.length.sum())
logger.debug("CONDITION for CCSS special case True")
# this also appends to split_points
new_connections = ccss_special_case(
logger.debug("CONDITION for CCSS special case False")
# Get new connections via skeleton
new_connections, splitters = voronoi_skeleton(
edges.geometry, # use all edges as an input
snap_to=relevant_targets.geometry, # snap to nodes
# If there are multiple components, limit_distance was too drastic and
# clipped the skeleton in pieces. Re-do it with a tiny epsilon.
# This may cause tiny sharp angles but at least it will be connected.
if (
gpd.GeoSeries(new_connections), rook=False
> 1
# Get new connections via skeleton
new_connections, splitters = voronoi_skeleton(
edges.geometry, # use all edges as an input
snap_to=relevant_targets.geometry, # snap to nodes
# The skeleton returns connections to all the nodes. We need to keep
# only some, if there are multiple connections to a single C. We don't
# touch the other.
) = filter_connections(
primes, relevant_targets, conts_groups, new_connections
# mutliple Cs that are not intersecting. Avoid forks on the ends of
# Voronoi. If one goes to relevant node, keep it. If not, remove both
# and replace with a new shortest connection
if (
len(connections_intersecting_c) > 1
and len(connections_intersecting_primes) == 0
# this also appends to split_points
new_connections = avoid_forks(
# check for disconnected Cs and reconnect
new_connections = reconnect(
conts_groups, new_connections, artifact, split_points, eps
# the drop above could've introduced a dangling edges. Remove those.
new_connections = remove_dangles(new_connections, artifact)
# BRANCH 2 - relevant node targets exist
elif relevant_targets.shape[0] > 0:
logger.debug("CONDITION relevant_targets.shape[0] > 0 True")
# SUB BRANCH - only one remaining node
if remaining_nodes.shape[0] < 2:
logger.debug("CONDITION remaining_nodes.shape[0] < 2 True")
# this also appends to split_points
new_connections = one_remaining(
# SUB BRANCH - more than one remaining node
logger.debug("CONDITION remaining_nodes.shape[0] < 2 False")
# this also appends to split_points
new_connections = multiple_remaining(
# BRANCH 3 - no target nodes - snapping to C
logger.debug("CONDITION relevant_targets.shape[0] > 0 False, snapping to C")
# SUB BRANCH - only one remaining node
if remaining_nodes.shape[0] < 2:
logger.debug("CONDITION remaining_nodes.shape[0] < 2 True")
# this also appends to split_points
new_connections = one_remaining_c(
# SUB BRANCH - more than one remaining node
logger.debug("CONDITION remaining_nodes.shape[0] < 2 False")
# this also appends to split_points
new_connections = multiple_remaining(
new_connections = reconnect(
conts_groups, new_connections, artifact, split_points, eps
# add new connections to a list of features to be added to the network
to_add.extend(weld_edges(new_connections, ignore=remaining_nodes.geometry))
# there may be loops or half-loops we are dropping. If they are protruding enough
# we want to replace them by a dead-end representing their space
elif artifact.C == 1 and (artifact.E + artifact.S) == 1:
logger.debug("CONDITION is_loop True")
sl = shapely.shortest_line(
relevant_nodes.geometry.iloc[0], relevant_nodes.geometry.iloc[1]
if (
(artifact.interstitial_nodes == 0)
and _is_within(sl, artifact.geometry)
and (sl.length * 1.1) < highest_hierarchy.length.sum()
logger.debug("DEVIATION replacing with shortest")
dangles = loop(
if len(dangles) > 0:
elif artifact.node_count == 2 and artifact.stroke_count == 2:
logger.debug("CONDITION is_sausage True")
sl = shapely.shortest_line(
relevant_nodes.geometry.iloc[0], relevant_nodes.geometry.iloc[1]
if (
_is_within(sl, artifact.geometry)
and (sl.length * 1.1) < highest_hierarchy.length.sum()
logger.debug("DEVIATION replacing with shortest")
logger.debug("DROP ONLY")
def nx_gx_cluster(
edges: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
cluster_geom: gpd.GeoSeries,
nodes: gpd.GeoSeries,
to_drop: list,
to_add: list,
max_segment_length: float | int = 1,
min_dangle_length: float | int = 20,
consolidation_tolerance: float | int = 10,
eps: float = 1e-4,
) -> None:
"""Determine lines within artifacts to drop & add when dealing with typologies of
*clusters* of 2 or more nodes and 2 or more continuity groups – ``{C, E, S}``.
Here :math:`n`-artifact cluster are treated as follows:
* merge all artifact polygons;
* drop all lines fully within the merged polygon;
* skeletonize and keep only skeletonized edges and connecting nodes
edges : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
Line geometries forming the artifact.
cluster_geom : geopandas.GeoSeries
The polygonal representation of the artifact cluster.
nodes : geopandas.GeoSeries
Node geometries forming the artifact.
to_drop : list
List collecting geometries to be dropped.
to_add : list
List collecting geometries to be added.
max_segment_length : float | int = 1
Additional vertices will be added so that all line segments
are no longer than this value. Must be greater than 0.
min_dangle_length : float | int = 20
The threshold for determining if linestrings are dangling slivers to be
removed or not.
consolidation_tolerance : float | int = 10
Tolerance passed to node consolidation within the
eps : float = 1e-4
Small tolerance epsilon.
``to_drop`` and ``to_add`` are updated inplace.
lines_to_drop = edges.iloc[
edges.sindex.query(cluster_geom.buffer(eps), predicate="contains")
connection = edges.drop(lines_to_drop).geometry
# non-planar lines are not connections
connection = connection[~connection.crosses(cluster_geom)]
# if there's nothing to drop due to planarity, there's nothing to replace and
# we can stop here
if not lines_to_drop or connection.empty:
# get edges on boundary
edges_on_boundary = edges.intersection(cluster_geom.boundary.buffer(eps)).explode(
edges_on_boundary = edges_on_boundary[
& (edges_on_boundary.geom_type.str.contains("Line"))
& (edges_on_boundary.length > 100 * eps)
] # keeping only (multi)linestrings of length>>eps
edges_on_boundary = edges_on_boundary.to_frame("geometry")
# find nodes ON the cluster polygon boundary (to be partially kept)
nodes_on_boundary = nodes.iloc[
nodes.sindex.query(cluster_geom.boundary.buffer(eps), predicate="intersects")
# find edges that cross but do not lie within
edges_crossing = edges.iloc[
edges.sindex.query(cluster_geom.buffer(eps), predicate="crosses")
# the nodes to keep are those that intersect with these crossing edges
nodes_to_keep = nodes_on_boundary.iloc[
edges_crossing.union_all(), predicate="intersects"
# merging lines between nodes to keep:
buffered_nodes_to_keep = nodes_to_keep.buffer(eps).union_all()
# make queen contiguity graph on MINUSBUFFERED outline road segments,
# and copy component labels into edges_on_boundary gdf
edges_on_boundary = edges_on_boundary.explode(ignore_index=True)
queen = graph.Graph.build_fuzzy_contiguity(
if len(connection) > 1:
skeletonization_input = edges_on_boundary.dissolve(
# a loop that has only a single entry point - use individual segments
merged_edges = edges_on_boundary.dissolve().line_merge().item()
if merged_edges.geom_type != "LineString":
# this is a fallback for corner cases. It should result in the nearly the
# same skeleton in the end but ensures we work with a single-part geometry
merged_edges = shapely.concave_hull(merged_edges).exterior
skeletonization_input = line_segments(merged_edges)
# skeletonize
skel, _ = voronoi_skeleton(
# if we used only segments, we need to remove dangles
if len(connection) == 1:
connection = connection.item()
_skel = gpd.GeoSeries(skel)
_skel = _skel[
_skel.disjoint(edges_on_boundary.union_all()) | _skel.intersects(connection)
welded = gpd.GeoSeries(weld_edges(_skel))
skel = welded[
((welded.length < min_dangle_length) & (is_dangle(welded)))
& welded.disjoint(connection)
lines_to_add = list(skel)
# considering only edges that are kept
edges_kept = edges.copy().drop(lines_to_drop, axis=0)
to_reconnect = []
skel_merged = shapely.line_merge(skel)
skel_merged = gpd.GeoSeries(skel_merged,
skel_nodes = list(shapely.get_point(skel_merged, 0))
skel_nodes.extend(list(shapely.get_point(skel_merged, -1)))
skel_nodes = gpd.GeoSeries(skel_nodes,
# loop through endpoints of kept edges...
for i in [0, -1]:
# do the same for "end" points
endpoints = gpd.GeoSeries(
shapely.get_point(edges_kept.geometry, i),
# which are contained by artifact...
endpoints = endpoints.iloc[
endpoints.sindex.query(cluster_geom, predicate="contains")
# ...but NOT on skeleton
endpoints = endpoints.difference(skel_merged.union_all())
# to_reconnect now contains a list of points which need to be connected to the
# nearest skel node: from those nodes, we need to add shapely shortest lines between
# those edges_kept.endpoints and
non_planar_connections = shapely.shortest_line(skel_nodes, to_reconnect)
# keep only those that are within
conn_within = _is_within(non_planar_connections, cluster_geom)
if not all(conn_within):
"Could not create a connection as it would lead outside of the artifact.",
non_planar_connections = non_planar_connections[conn_within]
### extend our list "to_add" with this artifact clusters' contribution:
def is_dangle(edgelines: gpd.GeoSeries) -> bool:
"""Determine if an edge is dangling or not."""
def _sum_intersects(loc: int) -> int:
"""Sum the number of places linestrings intersect each other."""
point = shapely.get_point(edgelines, loc)
ix, edge_ix1 = edgelines.sindex.query(point, predicate="intersects")
data = ([True] * len(ix), (ix, edge_ix1))
return sparse.coo_array(data, shape=shape, dtype=np.bool_).sum(axis=1)
shape = (len(edgelines), len(edgelines))
first_sum = _sum_intersects(0)
last_sum = _sum_intersects(-1)
return (first_sum == 1) | (last_sum == 1)
def line_segments(line: shapely.LineString) -> np.ndarray:
"""Explode a linestring into constituent pairwise coordinates."""
xys = shapely.get_coordinates(line)
return shapely.linestrings(
np.column_stack((xys[:-1], xys[1:])).reshape(xys.shape[0] - 1, 2, 2)