Faculty of Science
Map and Data Centre
Program committee
Yomna and Edzer
Danka and the team
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and synchronise the efforts
It is encouraging to see that involvement in the development of open geospatial is no longer restricted to members of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), and takes place in issues of public OGC GitHub repositories (for instance for GeoZarr and GeoParquet), or even completely outside OGC communication channels (e.g. STAC, GDAL, and openEO).
It would be convenient to have routines to verify polygons form a coverage (i.e. are not overlapping), or to create non-overlapping polygons from overlap- ping ones polygons, in a way that all spatial data science languages can profit from.
Wider adoption of GeoParquet as a more efficient file format for whole-file read/write and wider adoption of GeoAr- row as a common metadata standard and memory model may help address […] challenges.
Splitting spatially extensive block support variables to point geometries should at all times be avoided.
[…] split and merge policies follow from a variable being spatially extensive or intensive, and hence one of them is obsolete.
A less ambiguous approach would be to have a single field domain called
with a boolean value.